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Alena Bathge, owner and founder of Relocation Service A. Bathge, was born in Belarus where she graduated from the State University, majoring in foreign languages. 2004 Alena has moved to Hannover, Germany, where she now lives with her family. She further trained and completed successfully a TÜV-certified qualification to a “Coach in the working environment” in 2013. After that she founded Relocation Service A. Bathge and has established since then a solid network of contacts to real estate agents, banks, housing agencies etc. in and around Hannover, Celle, Hildesheim, Braunschweig and Wolfsburg.
As a person with a migratory background, Alena understands the feelings, worries and hardships of Expats. She is fluent in 3 languages: Russian, English and German. 

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